A married mum of one who has always prided myself on giving the most carefully selected and beautifully presented gifts, to my family and friends. With a background in Graphic Design and a long-held ambition to design Greetings Cards for a living; I was spending so much time putting together ideas that one day, I decided I might as well turn it into a business. So here we are! The start of my little venture.
Oh yes - and I had a baby - the single most important, wonderful but utterly exhausting and challenging experience of my life! Parents and specifically Mums are real-life heroes, so I think they deserve lovely presents and little extras which hopefully make their lives just that bit easier. Whether you're buying for yourself, a partner or a mum friend, I hope it makes you smile.
Check back here for my regular blog posts and meandering mama musings!
Life now, as a school-run Mum is still full of contradictions. Each day can go from disaster to triumph and back again! For want of a better cliché, it’s like a roller-coaster and within a 24 hour period you can experience life-affirming moments of intense joy and delight followed by extreme stress and levels of irritation that make you feel ready to explode or perhaps head-butt the nearest wall.
Let’s face it - Life can be hard sometimes but also truly wonderful. Often having a child can epitomise this distinction more than ever before. It can and will be one of the most challenging things you will ever do but also the most extraordinary!
The idea of designing a set of pregnancy pins first came to me when, you guessed it, I was pregnant. I was working full-time in an office job in town for the majority of my pregnancy, only starting my maternity leave at around 38 weeks. So I experienced what it was like to regularly commute as a pregnant and then heavily pregnant woman.
As a teen, I discovered something rather weird and wonderful about myself. I have a condition called Uterus Didelphys. It is a rare congenital condition and simply put, it means I was born with two uteruses or a double uterus.
Myself and my husband had a great life together. Madly in love and having fun, we hadn’t talked about having kids much before. Although it was something I sort of always assumed I’d do one day in the future (the far-off imaginary future that exists when you’re younger). The decision to have our daughter came about in response to a sudden trauma.
Now you’re probably going to hate me but, all the general worries aside, I absolutely loved being pregnant! There, I said it. I know for a lot of women it can be the hard bit and if it was for you, I genuinely take my hat off to you, bow down at your feet with admiration and sympathy.
‘We’re not worthy!’ Wayne’s World stylee.
My postnatal depression was flagged up as a possibility early on but not entirely expected.
Early baby blues, followed by a very scary but brief day of postnatal psychosis were early warning signs.
One of the key things I've turned to, since really struggling in the early days, is the writing and online content created by other parents. Here are some of my recommendations.
I'm currently available for freelance Graphic Design work, under the handy alias of 'Mrs Design' - see what I did there?
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