Let’s face it - Life can be hard sometimes but also truly wonderful. Often having a child can epitomise this distinction more than ever before. It can and will be one of the most challenging things you will ever do but also the most extraordinary!
Whether you’re currently pregnant, in at the deep end as a first-time mummy, or a seasoned ‘been there, done that’ mama with several kids, it can be a universal experience, even when coming from uniquely different perspectives. For Dads too and every other form of care-giver
(I don’t want to leave anyone out)! I have to admit, I regularly gain comfort from, and sort of revel in, the shared experience of being a parent and how it unites us. The camaraderie and deep-felt understanding you can receive from another mum or dad is so valuable and endlessly reassuring.
That’s why I believe that talking about your experience as a parent, good or bad (yes, moaning is allowed, we’re only human) is vital to maintaining our own well-being and quality of life. Which, in turn, has a positive effect on our family. If you take care of yourself, then you can be so much more able to take care of your little ones too. I realise I’m preaching to the choir somewhat but let this be your daily reminder that you matter too.
It started out of necessity, designing myself a pregnancy pin for the commute, but as I kept coming up with more ideas, I realised that I wanted to celebrate the whole experience and how we can offer much-needed encouragement to our friends and fellow parents.
Mums and Dads are generally the hardest working people around. Juggling day jobs with home life and everything in between is relentless. There’s no such thing as a 9-5 when you’re responsible for young children. I truly applaud every parent and carer for their effort day in and day out. Holding my hands up especially to those who have 2-3 (or more!) little ones and those single-parenting. I literally don’t understand how you do it! We have one child and still struggle. We’re all very good at thinking of others but sometimes the light needs to shine back on us. Parents deserve presents too!
Recovery from postnatal depression forced me to take better care of myself, mentally and physically. Remembering to self-comfort and reward myself were all part of that process. Little extras that make you feel good or which genuinely make your life just that bit easier. Sending a gift to a friend or a few kind words in a card, to make them feel special, is equally rewarding. So I’ve put together a selection of gifts ideas and greetings cards; featuring simple, elegant and affectionate designs. I’ve also added a small collection of colourful Birthday T-shirts for kids, called ‘Dinky Digits,’ after making a personalised design for my daughter each year and subsequently some of her friends too.
Whether treating yourself or sending warm wishes to family and friends, I’ve set out to deliver quality products, sustainably manufactured and packaged with great care and attention to detail. I really hope that you like the collection so far - plenty more coming soon!
March 2023